Worker Disengagement in the RSE and PALM Schemes

24 June 2024 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm


This is a virtual event involving labour mobility stakeholders from Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island Countries only. This virtual talanoa will be recorded.

1:00-1:10 PM

Opening Formalities

  • Prayer and welcome by the PPIU
  • Introductions
1:10-1:40 PM

Agenda 1: Update on Worker Disengagement in the PALM and RSE
Update on the states of worker disengagement and identified push and pull factors which prompt Pacific worker disengagement in the PALM and RSE

  1. Australia - DEWR
  2. New Zealand - MBIE/MFAT
1:40-2:00 PM

Agenda 2: Significance of Worker Disengagement to the Pacific
Discussion on the why worker disengagement is a significant issue for the Pacific and any worker welfare concerns arising from increased Pacific worker disengagement

Sharing by lead representatives of Pacific labour sending countries

2:00-2:45 PM

Agenda 3: Efforts to mitigate Pacific Labour Mobility Worker Disengagement
Discussion on existing efforts by Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific labour sending countires; and potential innovative measures including areas of cooperation between countries of destination and countries of origin

Sharing by lead representatives from Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific labour sending countries

2:45-3:00 PM

Confirmation of Next Steps

Closing remarks and closing prayer