Regional Movement of Natural Persons and Labour Mobility Workshop

11 Sept 2023 to 15 Sept 2023


Talofa lava and welcome!

PACER Plus is pleased to host the Regional Workshop on Movement of Natural Persons and Labour Mobility. This workshop aims to enhance the understanding of the Movement of Natural Persons Chapter and the Arrangement on Labour Mobility (ALM).

The PACER Plus Implementation Unit (PPIU) is also undertaking a review of the Arrangement on Labour Mobility. The Workshop will provide the first opportunity for participating countries to provide their views on the current ALM and how it can be improved to increase development benefits for the region.

The PACER Plus Implementation Unit is thrilled to have you here to engage in insightful talanoa and build our capacity to implement and realise the benefits of the PACER Plus Agreement and the Arrangement on Labour Mobility.

Day 1


Day 1: Monday 11 September 2023
08:30 am - 09:00 am Registration
Opening Prayer
Welcome and Opening Statement

Roy Lagolago
Head of PPIU
09:00 am - 10:00 am

1. Key trends and relevance of MNP

  • What is MNP and its significance to services trade?
  • Key trends and challenges
  • Why labour mobility is not covered in the GATS
  • GATS Annex on movement of natural persons

Richard Braddock
Lexbridge Lawyers

Click here for the presentation

10:00 am - 10:30 am

Morning Tea

10:30 am - 12:00 pm

2. Relationship between MNP, Trade in Services, Investment and LM

  • Opportunities for MNP, Trade in Services, Investment to add value to the ALM

Richard Braddock
Lexbridge Lawyers

Click here for the presentation

12:00 pm - 01:00 pm


01:00 pm - 02:30 pm

3. PACER Plus MNP Chapter

  • Structure, definitions, and scope
  • High level review of obligations
  • Best practices in other FTAs

Richard Braddock
Lexbridge Lawyers

Click here for the presentation

02:30 pm - 03:00 pm

Afternoon Tea

03:00 pm - 04:30 pm

4. PACER Plus MNP Schedules

  • Commitments made by PACER Plus Parties
  • Implications and opportunities

Richard Braddock
Lexbridge Lawyers

Click here for the presentation

Click here for the Schedules

04:30 pm - 05:00 pm


Closing Prayer


Required Reading
  1. Chapter 8: Movement of Natural Persons (Click here)
  2. Annex 8: A Schedules of Commitments on Movement of Natural Persons (Click here)
  3. Arrangement on Labour Mobility (Click here)
  4. Mode 4 and Labour Mobility Visa Mapping (Click here)

Day 2


Day 2: Tuesday 12 September 2023
08:30 pm - 09:00 am Opening Prayer
09:00 am - 10:00 am

1. Arrangement on Labour Mobility

  • Definition, Scope, Objectives
  • Unpacking ALM provisions
  • Why is it not legally binding? Opportunities and challenges entailed

Alisi Holani

Click here for the presentation

10:30 am - 11:00 am

Morning Tea

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

2. Relationship between the ALM and Bilateral Labour Arrangements

  • Overview
  • RSE and the ALM
  • PALM and the ALM

Alisi Holani

Holly Warren
Click here for the presentation

Anna McNicol
Click here for the presentation

12:30 pm - 01:30 pm


01:30 pm - 03:00 pm

3. Opportunities outside of the RSE and the PALM

  • PPIU Mode 4 and semi-skilled/skilled labour mobility visa mapping
  • Intra-Pacific labour mobility to Cook Islands and Niue
  • Q&A

Nicky Thatcher
Click here for the presentation

Cook Islands

03:00 pm - 03:30 pm

Afternoon Tea

03:30 pm - 04:30 pm

4. PPIU Labour Mobility Work Programme

  • Role of the PPIU
  • Overview of the PPIU LM Work Programme
  • Labour Mobility in the MELA Framework

Alisi Holani

Click here for the presentation

04:30 pm - 05:00 pm

Closing Prayer


Day 3

Day 3: Wednesday 13 September 2023
08:30 am - 09:00 am Opening Prayer
09:00 am - 11:30 am

1. Group Activity - Improving the ALM

Group discussions on potential improvements to the ALM

Facilitated by PPIU
11:30 pm - 12:30 pm


12:30 pm - 02:30 pm

2. ALM Review Consultations

  • Kiribati
  • Nauru
  • Solomon Islands
  • Tuvalu
ALM Review Panel
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm

3. ALM Review Consultations

  • Cook Islands
  • Niue
ALM Review Panel
06:30 pm - 08:30 pm

Dinner Reception

Day 4

Day 4: Thursday 14 September 2023
09:00 am - 11:00 am

1. ALM Review Consultations

  • Samoa
  • Tonga
  • Vanuatu
ALM Review Panel
12:30 pm - 02:30 pm

2. ALM Review Consultations

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
ALM Review Panel

Day 5

Day 5: Friday, 15 September 2023
PACER Plus Proposals Clinic for Trade in Services
9:00 am - 9:20 am Registration  
9:20 am - 9:30 am Opening Prayer  
9:30 am - 10:00 am

Session 1: Introduction

Participant introductions, objectives, pre-workshop survey results, energiser

Sven Callebaut
10:00 am - 10:30 am

Session 2: Governance for impact

Delivering impact: developing SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timeline - activity proposals in line with national priorities and PACER Plus obligations

10:30 am - 10:50 am

Morning Tea

10:50 am - 11:20 am

Session 3: Best practices in proposal development

Aligning global, regional, and national development objectives

Sven Callebaut
11:20 am - 12:00 pm

Session 4: Developing proposals

Prioritising, sequencing, and formulating proposals. Selecting thematic proposals for the afternoon group work

Sven Callebaut

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


1:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Introduction to group work

1:15 pm - 2:45 pm

Session 5: Group work on proposals development

In two groups, officials are to identify list of priorities and possible cross-country themes for development

Sven Callebaut


2:45 pm - 3:10 pm

Afternoon tea

3:10 pm - 3:45 pm

Session 6: Presentation of thematic proposals

Practical tips on preparing written project proposals and development of budgets


3:45 pm - 4:15 pm

Session 7: Takeaways, way forward

From the workshop to submitting proposals: roles, tools, support, deadlines

Sven Callebaut

4:15 pm - 4:30 pm

Closing Session
Closing Prayer


Training Materials
  1. PACER Plus Proposals Clinic for Trade in Services (Click here)
  2. Project Proposal Template - Phase 1: Eligibility (Click here)
  3. Sven Callebaut's Presentation (Click here)